Education & Outreach

The Documentation Centre is a place of historical education and lively discussions in the spirit of reconciliation. The diverse educational programmes are aimed at contemporary witnesses and their descendants, school classes and youth groups, visitor groups from Germany and abroad, as well as teachers and students. At a central place in the permanent exhibition, the forum invite the public to actively participate.

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© Stiftung Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung, Foto: Felice Fornabaio


The educational programmes at the Documentation Centre, especially with school classes and youth groups, ar based on methodological guidelines for historical learning.

Relation to the Living Environment

Our educational programmes do not address forced migration as an abstract historical event, but consciously links it to the everyday lives of young people and adults today.

Activity-based Learning

The educational formats encourage people to deal with the history of displacement, expulsion and forced migration as independently as possible. They provide space for impulses, discussions and controversies.

Making Perspectives visible

We point out different national, political and social perspectives. In the programmes, the participants deal with controversial points of view and the respective argumentations.

Self-reflection of the Documentation Centre

Exhibitions, like films, literature or monuments, influence our historical culture. Self-reflection as an institution of remembrance culture with controversial history is therefore part of the educational work.

Telling about People

Behind almost every object are personal stories and fates of individual people affected by forced migration. These narratives are at the centre of the educational programmes.

Das Forum
© Forum und Werkstatt © Stiftung Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung, Foto: Markus Gröteke

A Place for Education and Participation - Forum and Workshop

In the first part of the permanent exhibition on the first floor is the Forum, a place of communication with the public. It encourages visitors to reflect, exchange and discuss with various formats. The adjacent workshop is the showcase for daily educational work. Public tours begin here and the results of workshops are presented.

Frau erklärt etwas vor einer Gruppe von Personen
© SFVV, Foto: Thomas Bruns

Do you have questions about our educational programmes?

Which format is best suited to my group? What offers and opportunities are available locally? When is the best time to visit?

We will be happy to advise you!

Our visitor service is available by telephone Monday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm. You are also welcome to give us your call-back number and a time slot in which we can reach you.

+49 30 206 29 98-50

Please discuss the date, group size and wishes for a booked group tour with the visitor service at least two weeks in advance.

Konzeptionelle Grundlage der Bildungsarbeit

Konzept für Bildung und Vermittlung [PDF]